Posts tagged with "furnace repair in Staten Island"

Furnace Repair · 07. October 2021
How to Check the Pressure Switch on a Furnace
A gas furnace pressure switch is a safety feature that ensures gas is evacuated from a furnace before it starts to operate. The inducer motor is verified by the furnace pressure switch, which transmits a signal to the furnace control board.
Furnace Repair · 03. September 2021
HVAC filters and furnace repair in Queens
Many homeowners are aware that they should change their air filters regularly. Yet, they will unlikely be familiar with the types available. It could be challenging for a first-time homebuyer to know what will fit their requirements. It's hard for them not to worry about a filter. There are a whole lot of alternatives to choose from. It's critical to select the best one for your house and family. Here are a few things to think about when purchasing a home air filter.
Furnace Repair · 05. March 2021
residential furnace repair in brooklyn
Gas furnaces are common in most homes. They are reliable but just like other equipment it might also ask for repairs after a certain time. Wear and tear due to constant usage is not uncommon. However rather than getting stuck with a faulty one it is better to get in touch with a technician and find out what is causing the problem.