
Things You Should Know before Buying an HVAC Filter

HVAC filters and furnace repair in Queens

When it's time to replace your air filter, you'll find a lot of options from a variety of manufacturers. Is it essential to pick a specific brand? Let's speak about how to choose a good filter.

Design, not brand, matters

When choosing HVAC air filters, the brand is not an essential factor to consider. In reality, you'll get adequate air filters regardless of brand. Why? The design is far more critical. The heating and cooling systems or air purifier filters come in a variety of designs. An investment in furnace repair in Queens is an ideal way to power up the performance of your heating unit.

Different Types of HVAC Air Filters:

There are different types of HVAC air filters, each performing differently. Filters are most effective when they are brand new and clean, yet some last longer than others. For example, fiberglass filters are inexpensive and thin, but they aren't quite strong. Instead, they remove a tiny percentage of pollutants - as low as 10% at times. Pleated filters consist of rippled and layered fabric or foam. Yet, they don't fit in all HVAC equipment. HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters are great for allergies and asthma. Moreover, they're super effective for air purification. Before investing in a central air conditioning repair service, choose the right filter.

Tips on picking filters

Match sizes:

The air filter must fit comfortably within the device. The width is usually 1 inch for the ordinary HVAC, although the height and length might vary. Make sure your current filter is the right size!

Look at MERV:

The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is a great way to check performance. On a scale of one to twenty, the best filters for your home are usually in the range of eight to thirteen.

Know Your HEPA:

True HEPA filters remove 99.97 percent of particles with a diameter of 0.3 microns or less. They need a regular update. Besides, they can be beneficial to individuals who have breathing problems. It's important to note that HEPA is not the same as ULPA.

Are you seeking further information on how to select the best filter for your needs? It is better to consult the experts. Upon assessing requirements, the professionals recommend the right filter for your HVAC device. For your heating unit to work well in the winter, furnace repair in Staten Island makes more sense.

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